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Bruegel, mischievous humanist, a musical scenery
3 octobre 2019 @ 20 h 00 min - 21 h 30 min
Concert spectacle with Renaissance violins from bass to soprano, organ, lute, flute and drum, soprano voice
and projection of paintings.
This concert spectacle invites you to a projection of the most significant paintings by the painter of “daily reality”, which also gives a glimpse of 16th-century culture in Flanders and Brabant:
folk dances, popular melodies, “Souterliedekens” and mischievous and yearning songs in the church where the master married
and was buried.
Works of Clemens non Papa, Lupus Episcopius, Gerardus Turnhout, Mattheus Pipelare, Johannes Ghiselin, Jheronimus Venders, Tielman Susato, Pierre Phalèse, Josquin Bason, Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Paul Hofhaimer, Marco Antonio Cavazzoni
and some anonymous.
°°Ensemble les Sonadori, with 6 Renaissance violins
from bass to falsetto°°
–Alain GERVREAU, tenor violin and conducting
–Béatrice LINON, soprano and falsetto violin
–Odile EDOUARD, viola and soprano violin
–Nicolas SANSARLAT, contra-viola
–Lorraine BROSSE, basetto violin
–Hervé DOUCHY, viola da gamba
–Pascale BOQUET, lute
–Elisabeth COLSON, mezzo-soprano
–Fabien MOULAERT, organ
°°Practical Information°°
Thursday 03 October 2019 , 20:00 to 21:30
Kapellekerk, Kapellemarkt in Brussels
€16,00 tisckets https://agenda.brussels/nl/479211/bruegel-schalkse-humanist-een-muzikaal-tafereel
A co-production between Voce et Organo – the research department of the Koniklijk Conservatorium Brussel – Les Sonadori